This is an (occasionally updated) website of Philipp Goertz.

Almost architect in Aachen, Milano, Düsseldorf Berlin with an interest in clay plastering, and how to make static buildings move .

Currently, mainly working on a town hall extension in Grefrath after winning the 1. prize in a competition with Linus Hermann, Lankes Koengeter and Planungsgemeinschaft Goertz-Windeck.

Recently (in 2023), graduated from RWTH Aachen university with a thesis on Aachen's central bus terminal. If you are curious about the history and future of a building "that is probably unique in the federal republic" have a look at Aachen Bushof - magnetisch. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Anne-Julchen Bernhardt, Prof. Dr. Adria Daraban and Prof. Yasemin Utku at Lehrstuhl für Gebäudelehre und Grundlagen des Entwerfens. Parts of thesis got featured in Theater Aachen's play 'Woher und Wohin?'. The thesis got awarded an honourable mention at The Euregional Prize for Architecture and the jury prize at Campus Master's november and december edition.

Before that (2022), also received a 2. prize in the competition for Schaltwerkhallen of Siemensstadt Berlin. Travelled to Japan (2019) with the Berkeley Prize: Travel Fellowship. Read the application here and about the trip to Japan here.

A collection of notes and links to myself and everyone reading beyond this point:

February 2024: "The simple fact that very many badly designed products are on the market proves it is by no way said that well-designed product really sells more than a lousily designed product." What is true according to Richard Sapper in the documentary on him by Elia Hershon and Roberto Guerra from 1983 about products, is very much true about houses as well. //
Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen kündigt Bau-Turbo durch den § 246e BauGB an. Dem Versprechen von Bundesbauministerin Klara Geywitz, dass durch das Gesetz "bezahlbarer Wohnraum dort enstehen kann, wo er besonders dringend gebraucht wird." widerspricht der Deutsche Mieterbund in seiner Stellungnahme. Befürchtet wird, dass durch den Turbo-Pakt "Schutzinstrumente für Mieterinnen und Mieter in angespannten Wohnungsmärkten ausgehebelt (...) werden und Investoren von Luxusneubauten und teuren Dachaufstockungen eine Art städtebaulicher Freifahrtschein erteilt (...)" wird. Bundesarchitektenkammer und viele andere Verbände sind übrigens auch dagegen. Schöner Turbo also.